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Wait List Policy and Guidelines

Created: September 2016  Updated:  June 4, 2024


Little Angels Development Inc. (LAD) is aware of the need of childcare spaces in the community it serves.  LAD understands families need to plan for care in advance to ensure they receive the care that they require.  LAD aims to develop a waitlist policy and practices that are fair, transparent, and consistent maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the children and their family.


This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15.




  • Little Angels Development Inc. will strive to accommodate all requests for the registration of a child at the child care centre.
  • Little Angels Development Inc. is part of the Wellington-Guelph Child Care Application Waitlist process.
  • Where the maximum capacity of a program has been reached and spaces are unavailable for new children to be enrolled, the waiting list procedures set out below will be followed.
  • No fee will be charged to parents for placing a child on the waiting list.

Procedures Receiving a Request to Place a Child on the Waiting List

Parents can go to the link below follow the directions and fill out the form. 

Wellington-Guelph Child Care Application and Waitlist | Child Care Waitlist (


Placing a child on the Waiting List 

  1. The licensee or designate will place a child on the waiting list in chronological order, based on the date and time that the request was received.
  2. Once a child has been placed on the waiting list, the licensee or designate will inform parents that their child has been placed on the waitlist and will be contacted once a space is available.
  3. After three months from the date of the required care needed, families will be removed from the waitlist if they have not contacted Little Angels Development Inc. to notify the childcare centre of their current needs.
  4. It is the parents' responsibility to update their profile with any changes in contact information.

Determining Placement Priority when a Space Becomes Available

When space becomes available in the program, priority will be given to children who are:

  1. Currently enrolled and need to move to the next age grouping
  2. Children of staff.
  3. Siblings of currently enrolled children,
  4. Once these children have been placed, other children on the waiting list will be prioritized based on program room availability, when a child ages out and needs to move to the next age grouping, and/or the chronology in which the child was placed on the waiting list.


Offering an Available Space

  1. Parents of children on the waiting list will be notified via email that a space has become available in their requested program.
  2. Parents will be provided a timeframe of 24 hours in which a response is required before the next child on the waiting list will be offered the space.
  3. Where a parent has not responded within the given timeframe, the licensee or designate will contact the parent of the next child on the waiting list to offer them the space. The previous family will be removed from the waitlist.

To Parents who inquire about their Child’s Placement on the Waiting List

  • Office Support, Supervisor, or Program Manager will be the contact person for parents who wish to inquire about the status of their child’s place on the waiting list.
  • Office Support, Supervisor, or Program Manager will respond to parent inquiries and provide the child’s current position on the list based on program room availability, when a child ages out and needs to move to the next age grouping, and/or the chronology in which the child was placed on the waiting list, and an estimated likelihood of the child being offered a space in the program.

Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality

  1. The waiting list will be maintained in a manner that protects the privacy and confidentiality of the children and families on the list and therefore only the child’s information on the waiting list will be provided to parents.
  2. Names of other children or families and/or their placement on the waiting list will not be shared with other individuals.


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